Home > Published Issues > 2024 > Volume 10, Number 2, 2024 >
IJLT 2024 Vol.10(2): 209-213
doi: 10.18178/ijlt.10.2.209-213

Research on Strategies for Improving Learning Engagement of Growing Cadres Based on Multiple Regression Analysis

Cui Can*, Yan Binggang, Dong Guangzhi, and Jiang Zhibin
Teaching and Research Support Center, PLA Dalian Naval Academy, Dalian, China
Email: 1083404968@qq.com (C.C.)
*Corresponding author

Manuscript received July 29, 2023; revised September 21, 2023; accepted October 20, 2023; published March 15, 2024.

Abstract—In order to improve the quality of growing cadres training, this study focuses on the intrinsic relationship between the learning engagement of growing cadres and its influencing factors, designs a military growing cadres learning engagement scale, analyzes the reliability and validity of the scale, analyzes the influence relationship between learning engagement, professional identity, school belonging and other factors, and finally constructs the structural equation model of learning engagement of growing cadres after evaluation, fitting, and correction of the hypothesis model. The results show that professional recognition is positively correlated with learning engagement. Professional identity has an indirect impact on learning investment through the mediating variable of school belonging. Based on the conclusion, corresponding optimization strategies are proposed: enhance professional identity and cultivate sense of mission honor; Focus on strong energy preparation and strengthen specialization and refinement; Revitalize training resources, optimize the efficiency of military training, and provide strong support for the building of our army’s combat effectiveness.  

Keywords—learning engagement, multiple regression analysis, professional identity, school belonging

Cite: Cui Can, Yan Binggang, Dong Guangzhi, and Jiang Zhibin, "Research on Strategies for Improving Learning Engagement of Growing Cadres Based on Multiple Regression Analysis," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 10, No. 2, pp. 209-213, 2024.

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