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Gamification Applied to the Physics Teaching

Welberth. S. Ferreira1, Welberth. S. Ferreira2, and Suelen. R. B. Ferreira3
1. Universidade Estadual do Maranhão. GRUMA. Departamento de Física. Campus Universitário Paulo VI, s/n. CEP: 65055-970. São Luís – MA. Brazil
2. Instituto Federal do Maranhão. Departamento de Física. Mestrado, Nacional Profissionalizante em Ensino de Física. Av. Getúlio Vargas, s/n. CEP: 65075-441. São Luís – MA. Brazil
3. Faculdade Pitágoras. Av. Daniel de La Touche, 23, Olho D’água. CEP: 65045-250. São Luís – MA. Brazil

Abstract—As an essential assumption of gamification, we observed the motivation of the students involved, due to affinity. The re-signification achieved is of great impact, favoring its pedagogical use and giving support to the growing number of researchers who replicate the use of gamification as a modern teaching tool. The gamification in education allows numerous approaches to conceptual or practical learning in order to promote meaningful learning for students. In addition, to the competitive nature which encourages students to strive harder to reach a goal or even win the game. In this work, we will present the importance of the application of gamification in Physics teaching.
Index Terms—blended, mooc, science, gamification, physics, tools

Cite: Welberth. S. Ferreira, Moizés. C. B. Filho, and Suelen. R. B. Ferreira, "Gamification Applied to the Physics Teaching," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 318-321, December 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.5.4.318-321