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Preparation of Students for Citizens' Identity

I. G. Dolinina
Perm National Research Polytechnic University

Abstract—These article includes the philosophical and legal foundations of civic identity, summarizing the experience developed by scientists to date. The study presents the theory of application in the context of the development of education: concept, technology, forms, methods, diagnostics of results. The circle of state and public organizations (administrators, deputies of representative bodies, the office of the human rights ombudsman, participants in non-state associations) is defined that help promote civiс identity in educational institutions, schools and universities. The article describes the classroom and out-of-school work, the results of quantitative and qualitative methods of sociological research of students' identity status. It was possible to establish that the inclusion in the curricula of pedagogical technology of promoting civiс identity in various subjects and outside the educational work has a positive dynamics.
Index Terms—civiс identity, education, dynamics, students

Cite: I. G. Dolinina, "Preparation of Students for Citizens' Identity," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 88-93, March 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.5.1.88-93