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Chinese Postgraduate Students’ Willingness to Communicate in the Classroom Interactions in a British University

Ren Qian and Sun Yuan
Shaanxi Normal University, China

Abstract—Research on Willingness to Communicate (WTC) WTC in the classroom for Chinese postgraduate students who are studying in British universities, rather than in second language learning classes, adopted a quantitative method to find out related factors and seek answers. Although it may be difficult for learners to change their beliefs about appropriate classroom behaviour, their long-term conceptual framework of evaluating teaching and learning experience in the one-year postgraduate program abroad and the ways of eliciting more participation from students and facilitating their learning process need to be investigated.
Index Terms—Chinese postgraduate students, willingness to communicate, interactions in a British university

Cite: Ren Qian and Sun Yuan, "Chinese Postgraduate Students’ Willingness to Communicate in the Classroom Interactions in a British University," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 290-293, December 2022. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.8.4.290-293

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