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Mediated Metacognitive Engagement in Flipped Learning

Lina Guo
Waikato University, Vine 5 Street, Hamilton New Zealand

Abstract—The need for maximizing learning is increasing in the schooling system in China. Cognition development and the ability of cognition management were both crucial for effective teaching and learning. Thinking of one’s thinking is termed as metacognition. This research aimed to explore how English language teachers and their students mutually develop and engage in metacognitive thinking using dialogic inquiry within the flipped learning context in a junior secondary school in China. A flipped inquiry-based teaching intervention designed to explore classroom dialogue with a view to enhance students’ metacognitive learning. We conduct this research to develop teachers’ professional understanding of metacognitive engagement in flipped learning classrooms in China. To enhance this, the study uses a qualitative research method within a sociocultural paradigm to explore the processes that enable teachers to engage in mediational metacognitive thinking with each other and their students using dialogic inquiry within the flipped learning context in a junior secondary school in China. The findings from the study provides insight into the process of how teachers were trained, how they enact their professional understanding in classroom practice and how mutual influence work between teachers and their students in the process of metacognitive engagement in a flipped inquiry-based dialogic teaching context. The results of the research showed that using dialogue with the guidance of the framework is a successful trial, especially in the problem-solving process.
Index Terms—flipped learning, dialogic, metacognition, inquiry, intervention, professional learning, classroom practice, qualitative research

Cite: Lina Guo, "Mediated Metacognitive Engagement in Flipped Learning," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 33-37, March 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.6.1.33-37

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