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Perceived Difficulties in Group Presentations: Action Research as an Intervention

Michelle Kawamura
School of Economics, Ritsumeikan University, Shiga, Japan

Abstract—In this research, the researcher attempted to understand learners’ experiences and attitudes during the completion of group presentation projects as part of university English as foreign language courses. Based on the concept of education action research, modified action steps were implemented to explore possible problems, reflections, and improvements during the process among 58 learners at a university in the western part of Japan. At the beginning of a 15-week semester course, a pre-questionnaire was conducted and issues were further explored through class discussion as an intervention for presentation improvement. A post-questionnaire was administered after a teacher-led peer discussion, self-reflection, and final presentation. Results of the pre- and post-questionnaires indicated a significant change in learners’ attitudes after interventional steps. 
Index Terms—peer interaction, presentation skills, self-reflection

Cite: Michelle Kawamura, "Perceived Difficulties in Group Presentations: Action Research as an Intervention," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 119-124, June 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.5.2.119-124