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The Efficacy of the Parents-Facilitator Conference (PFC) in Monitoring the Higher-Level Learners’ School Performance: Basis in Enhancing the School’s Learner Monitoring Program

Merboy V. Pangilinan
UST Angelicum College, Quezon City, Philippines

Abstract—The family and the school are the primary environs in which a child grows up and develop his personhood. The strong partnership between the home and the school is essential to ensure the child’s acceptable performance in school. This partnership is established through the parent–teacher conference program of schools. This program serves as an important component of home–school communication and family involvement in the education of the child. This descriptive-quantitative study determined the efficacy of the Parent-Facilitator Conference (PFC) in UST-Angelicum College, Quezon City, Philippines as the school’s program in establishing partnership with the parents and as an avenue for parents’ monitoring of their child’s performance in school. Involved in this study were the two hundred and seventy-five (275) parents and the twenty two (22) learning facilitators. The responses of the two groups of respondents were compared using chi-square. The respondents’ perception on PFC as an avenue for monitoring students’ performance was first sought. It was revealed that PFC provides the parents information about their child’s attendance and punctuality in school, serves as an opportunity in making follow-ups of their child’s performance, and the attitude of their child towards schooling. The paper also determined the parents’ varied involvements and the extent of these involvements during the scheduled PFC. From the findings, the researcher proposed enhancements on the conduct of PFC as the school’s learner monitoring program. 
Index Term—conferenc facilitator, involvement, monitoring, performance

Cite: Merboy V. Pangilinan, "The Efficacy of the Parents-Facilitator Conference (PFC) in Monitoring the Higher-Level Learners’ School Performance: Basis in Enhancing the School’s Learner Monitoring Program," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 112-118, June 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.5.2.112-118