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Golden Brain Theory (GBT) for Language Learning

Tapas Karmaker
Fatima Foundation, Research and Admin, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Abstract—Centuries ago, we came to know about “Golden Ratio” also known as Golden Angle. The idea of this research is based on this theme. Researcher perceives ‘The Golden Ratio’ in terms of harmony, meaning that every single item in the universe follows a harmonic behavior. In case of human being, brain responses easily and quickly to this harmony to help memorization. In this theory harmony means a link. This study has been carried out on a segment of school students and a segment of common people for a period of three years from 2003 to 2006. The research in this respect intended to determine the impact of harmony in the brain of these people. It has been found that students and common people can increase their memorization capacity as much as 70 times more by applying this method. This method works faster and better between age of 8 and 30 years. This result was achieved through tests to assess memorizing capacity by using tools like words, rhymes, texts, math and drawings. The research concludes that this harmonic method can be applied for improving the capacity of learning languages, for the better quality of lifestyle, or any other terms of life as well as in professional activity. 
Index Terms—language, education, golden brain, learning, teaching

Cite: Tapas Karmaker, "Golden Brain Theory (GBT) for Language Learning," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 106-111, June 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.5.2.106-111