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Developing English Program for Elementary School Teacher Education Students

Ratna Yunita 1 and Naning Pratiwi 2
1. University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom
2. Yogyakarta State University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Abstract—An English program has important roles in higher education because it can support the General Course of English, a compulsory subject aimed to make all of the students from different department understand the references related to their discipline, communicate about their field widely, and encourage their study properly. This is supported by the ineffective implementation of General Course of English today because of several reasons such as the use of general English as the materials that is not suit with the purpose of each study program, for instance Elementary School Teacher Education. Therefore, this research is conducted to describe the needs of students, the materials/topics, the vocabulary that should be learned, and the appropriate English program for Elementary School Teacher Education students. The results show that English is important especially in developing their knowledge in order to comprehend many references which are written in English. Hence, the developed materials in the program focused on reading skills.
Index Terms—English program, elementary school teacher education students, reading skills

Cite: Ratna Yunita and Naning Pratiwi, "Developing English Program for Elementary School Teacher Education Students," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 176-183, June 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.3.3.176-183