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The Disadvantage of ICT in Higher Education Students' Study and Life through Lanzhou University Postgraduate Students

Ali A. Mahmood and Yi Wan
School of Information Science and Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou City, China

Abstract—With a huge and fast growth of the use of technology in all the areas of modern-day life, the E-learning is now one of the main factors in the higher education students' life. E-learning represents computer, internet, mobile phone, and any technology used in learning or teaching. These technologies get more and more professional, this leads to more disadvantages, and these disadvantages are getting more serious than before. We made a survey on the postgraduate students at Lanzhou University, analyze the result, compare it with previous similar work and then prove that now have more serious disadvantage than before. These disadvantages can be in teaching fields towards postgraduate students, study field, and by using more and more of the postgraduate students' time, this time can be for rest or study. In this paper we will focus on these disadvantages in the students at Lanzhou University. 
Index Terms—disadvantages of e-learning, internet influence on postgraduate students, postgraduate students' relation with ICT

Cite: Ali A. Mahmood and Yi Wan, "The Disadvantage of ICT in Higher Education Students' Study and Life through Lanzhou University Postgraduate Students," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 184-188, June 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.3.3.184-188