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The Emerging Problems and Challenges Faced by Sino-foreign Cooperation Education: A Case Study from Students’ Perspective

Zhang Liying
School of Education, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, UK

Abstract—The internationalisation of higher education has become a recognized development trend, and international cooperation in running schools has become an important feature of international education exchanges. Universities and colleges are increasingly focusing on becoming global institutions and place global education as the most important institutional priority. With this context in China, this paper explores the emerging problems faced by the Sino-foreign cooperation universities, such as quality insurance, employment related issues, and cultural-related issues. The findings show a clearer map of the situation of the Sino-foreign cooperation education in China and help these organisations better manage and improve their competitiveness in the global education market.
Index Terms—Higher Education Internationalisation, Transnational Higher Education, Sino-foreign Cooperation, Students’ perspective

Cite: Zhang Liying, "The Emerging Problems and Challenges Faced by Sino-foreign Cooperation Education: A Case Study from Students’ Perspective," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 4, pp. 292-295, December 2021. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.7.4.292-295

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