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A Normative Knowledge Management Model for School Development

Eric C. K. Cheng 1 and C. K. W. Chu 2
1. Department of Curriculum and Instruction, The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
2. C. C. C. Heep Woh College, Hong Kong, China

Abstract—This paper discusses the application of Knowledge Management (KM) strategies in a school context with a view to bridging the knowledge gaps that exist between the strategic plan for school development and its implementation. Cheng’s normative model for implementation was adopted as the theoretical framework for the study [1]. A case study was developed using data collected from the school by means of group interviews and documentary reviews. The results show that the role of the school leadership in formulating people-based and information-based knowledge strategies and a supportive working culture are critical for the effective implementation of Knowledge Management. 
Index Terms—knowledge management, record management, knowledge leadership, knowledge strategies

Cite: Eric C. K. Cheng and C. K. W. Chu, "A Normative Knowledge Management Model for School Development," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 76-82, March 2018. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.4.1.76-82