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Examining the Complexities of Teaching through Case Writing

Aris Reynold V. Cajigal
Mariano Marcos State University, Laoag City, Philippines

Abstract—This paper elaborates the complexities of teaching as articulated in cases written by preservice teachers. This qualitative study describes how preservice teachers examined the various dimensions of teaching and learning through a case writing project. Anchored on constructivist perspective and interpretive design, multiple sources of data were collected. These include course projects, interviews, observations, results of case discussions, and journal reflections. Each group prepared a case narrative based on the interview they conducted. The 20 case narratives highlighted dilemmas like student conduct and discipline, inadequacies of teachers, limitations of the school system, pedagogical mistakes, and relationship with administrators, co-teachers and parents. The preservice teachers were challenged by the dilemmas and felt the urgency to prepare in order to be skilful when dealing with students, administrators, colleagues and the members of the community. Implications to teacher preparation are also noted in this study 
Index Terms—case writing, complexities of teaching, preservice teachers

Cite: Aris Reynold V. Cajigal, "Examining the Complexities of Teaching through Case Writing," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 70-75, March 2018. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.4.1.70-75