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Cultivating Higher Order Thinking Dispositions of Undergraduate Students

Chee Han Lim
UniSIM College, SIM University, Singapore

Abstract—This paper discusses the conceptualization and experimental stage of a longitudinal study that seeks to design and evaluate a training program to cultivate, amongst Singaporean university undergraduates, the disposition to make sense of novel situations and unfamiliar information competently and spontaneously. This process is guided by the "thinking dispositions" perspective that treats teaching as the process of enculturation. This stage of the study focuses on enculturation instructions, which comprises "thinking routines" that are used to make thinking "visible" and henceforth scaffold the learning process. The thinking routines used in this study are fashioned after "thinking moves" that constitute certain Higher Order Thinking skills that this study’s target population lack, namely, "analyze" and "create". Further research needs to be conducted to construct a reliable method of assessing the performance of respondents in order to explore the relevance of the "Visible Thinking" framework to andragogy.
Index Terms—thinking dispositions, visible thinking, thinking routines, higher order thinking skills, Bloom’s taxonomy, andragogy

Cite: Chee Han Lim, "Cultivating Higher Order Thinking Dispositions of Undergraduate Students," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 154-159, June 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.3.2.154-159