Abstract—This study aims to explore the current challenges that teacher trainers are confronting and their training needs. Looking particular into the professional competencies and psychological qualities that teacher trainers need to possess, this study further examines the perceptions of the trainers’ changing roles from subject teachers to teacher trainers. Interviews were conducted to collect data and Dempster’s “expert judgment” technique was adopted as an evaluation method. Findings showed that ‘facilitation skills’, ‘pedagogical knowledge’, ‘rich experience’, ‘good understanding of the participants’ expectations’, ‘confidence’ and ‘self-regulation of emotion’ are the most essential skill competencies and the psychological needs of the teacher trainers. A range of ‘critical abilities’ and ‘reflective attitudes’ would also ease the anxieties raised from the trainers’ changing roles during their transitions from subject teachers to teacher trainers because teacher training is a much complex and demanding job. Index Terms—train-the-trainer, teacher training, profession competencies, changing roles, psychological qualities Cite: Azizah Binti Hussin, Nawi@ Mohd Nawi bin Ismail, and Mohamad Zamri bin Ali, "Islamophobia in Teaching and Learning Civilization in Malaysia: A Contributory Factors," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 38-41, June, 2015. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.1.1.38-41