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Exploring the Impact Variables of Team Learning

Hui-Hsin Huang
Department of Business Administration, Aletheia Uinversity, New Taipei City, Taiwan

Abstract—This research focuses on the dilemma of students’ group learning in class and tries to find its solution. The factors of team leadership style, group rewards/punishments justice, team heterogeneity are used to explore the impact on team self-efficacy and learning effectiveness. Through advertising management courses, the students' responses of these research variables are examined in the beginning, middle and end term. The results can be applied in the course design for student group learning.
Index Terms—team leadership style, group rewards/punishments justice, team self-efficacy, learning effectiveness

Cite: Hui-Hsin Huang, "Exploring the Impact Variables of Team Learning," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 12-15, March 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.6.1.12-15

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