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Promoting a Meaningful Learning Experience with a Born-Digital Interactive e-book and a Digital Teaching Platform

Dovi Weiss and Keren Bitan
Kibbutzim College of Education, Tel-Aviv, Israel

Abstract—The goal of this research was to evaluate the effects of learning mathematics with a born-digital interactive e-book and Digital Teaching Platform (DTP) on various aspects of a meaningful learning experience. DTP is a real-time learning system designed for one-to-one 21st century environment. To that effect, the learning experience and perceptions of a class of sixth grade students and their teacher were evaluated. Research was conducted using a qualitative-constructivist approach. Twenty two (22) students, who study at one school, were observed and interviewed. These students learn mathematics with an advanced e-book, on the Digital Teaching Platform of "Time to Know". Analysis of the observations and the interviews led to the identification of three themes relating to aspects of learning with a born-digital interactive e-book: (1) Independent learning with collaboration, (2) Aspects of the technological environment and their implications and (3) The role of the teacher. Findings show that learning mathematics with a born-digital interactive e-book is characterized by a sense of relevance, learner involvement, a sense of value for the learner, independent learning with collaboration and a positive learning experience. It seems that learning with an e-book promotes a meaningful learning experience. The teacher perceives her role as the designer and the manager of the learning process. Most of the students think that it is easier to teach with an e-book and say that the teacher is no longer the only source of knowledge. 
Index Terms—e-book, digital teaching platform, learning mathematics

Cite: Dovi Weiss and Keren Bitan, "Promoting a Meaningful Learning Experience with a Born-Digital Interactive e-book and a Digital Teaching Platform," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 255-258, September 2018. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.4.3.255-258