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The Research of Principal Leadership and Education Policy Practice for Teacher Professional Development

Juei-Hsin Wang 1 and Yen-Ting Chen 2
1. Graduate Institute of Educational Administration and Policy Development, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan
2. Department of Mathematics Education, National Taichung University, Taichung, Taiwan

Abstract—This study discussed the principal leadership and education policy practice in the three characteristic elementary schools. These schools are facing to transform development. This research not only discusses the principal leadership but also analyzes the policy implementation. These policy means “teacher evaluation for profession development” and “teacher professional learning community”. The researchers took quality research analysis to reach the goal in this study.

Index Terms—principal leadership, education policy, characteristic elementary school, teacher evaluation for professional development, teacher professional learning community, education implementation

Cite: Juei-Hsin Wang and Yen-Ting Chen, "The Research of Principal Leadership and Education Policy Practice for Teacher Professional Development," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp. 178-184, December 2016. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.2.2.178-184