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Identifying Learning Styles in EFL Classroom

Huda Suliaman Alqunayeer and Sadia Zamir
Qassim University, Al-Qassim, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Abstract—This research aims to identify students’ perceptual learning style preferences in EFL classroom on the basis of VARK learning style model. The VARK questionnaire version 7.1 has been used as a data collection tool. The study also gives the comparative analysis between the male and the female students studying at the same level. The data analysis highlights a considerable difference between the boys and girls learning preferences. It concludes that female students are found to be Aural learners (i.e. prefer to explain new ideas to others, discuss topics with other students and their teachers, attend lectures, and discussion groups). Whereas, Boys are found to be Kinesthetic learners (i.e. prefer field trips, doing things to learn them, hands-on approaches, using their senses). The study asks for better teaching methods and strategies, keeping in view students’ unique ways of learning. The study suggests that the teachers should modify their teaching strategies in accordance with their students learning preferences. The awareness about students learning preferences increases the teachers’ efficiency of their classroom orientation.

Index Terms—learning styles, VARK model, kinesthetic learners

Cite: Huda Suliaman Alqunayeer and Sadia Zamir, "Identifying Learning Styles in EFL Classroom," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 82-87, December 2015. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.1.2.82-87