Abstract—Malaysia guarantees freedom of religion even Islam is the main religion of the country. All races with various religions live in peace and harmony. But then, the feeling of dislike with each other (different religions) still exist in the deep of their heart. Islamophobia is a current issue in Malaysia. Contributory factors of islamophobia are different from west, east, north and south. The researchers conduct a survey to get the contributory factors of Islamophobia in Malaysia. Three factors are taken from the the current issues topic in Islamic and Asia Civilization (TITAS) course. Those are jihad, hudud and polygamy. This paper will answer the null hyphotesis which stated that there is no contribution of Jihad, hudud and polygamy towards Islamophobia among non-Muslim in IPG. The respondents for the questionnaire are non-Muslims, undergraduate students, selected from four Teachers’ Training Institutions of Malaysia. The samples are 280. While for interviewee only 4, choose one for each IPG who are fluent Malay Language. The interview is conducted informal. In analyzing the questionnaires, the regression is used while the interview data analyzed using ATLAS. ti. As a conclusion, polygamy and hudud don’t contribute to the Islamophobia. While, Jihad considered contribute, but the level of contribution is small. The other contributory factors are conversion to Islam and being in group, Muslim dress code, circumcision after converting , the concept of halal and haram and about obedient which Muslim must obey all the Islamic teaching without asking the reason especially the things which related to Samiyyat. Index Terms—islamophbia, titas, jihad, hudud, poligamy Cite: Azizah Binti Hussin, Nawi@ Mohd Nawi bin Ismail, and Mohamad Zamri bin Ali, "Islamophobia in Teaching and Learning Civilization in Malaysia: A Contributory Factors," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 1-6, June 2015. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.1.1.1-6