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Assessing Student Learning Across Delivery Modes in Chemistry

Betsy J. Bannier, Kory Boehmer, Cindy Brown, Lloyd Halvorson, Brandi Nelson, and Tammy Riggin
Lake Region State College, Devils Lake ND USA

Abstract—A comprehensive statistical analysis of shared assessments was conducted using student assessment data (n=152) gathered over a three-semester cycle from three general education chemistry courses taught both online and on-campus at a public, two-year community college in the upper Midwest United States. Item difficulty values, item discrimination values, difficulty ratios were used to evaluate the efficacy of the shared assessment instruments in assessing student learning toward intended course outcomes. Two-sample t-tests were conducted to determine the statistical significance of differences in assessment means by course delivery mode.
Index Terms—accreditation, assessment, chemistry, course outcomes, general education

Cite: Betsy J. Bannier, Kory Boehmer, Cindy Brown, Lloyd Halvorson, Brandi Nelson, and Tammy Riggin, "Assessing Student Learning Across Delivery Modes in Chemistry," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 68-73, June 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.6.2.68-73

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