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From Students’ Lenses: What Constitutes Good Teaching?

Avelina M. Aquino
Bulacan State University (BulSU), Pulilan Extension, Pulilan, Bulacan Philippines

Abstract—Teaching is a complicated and a multifaceted task. However, to some people, it may never be a daunting task if they have the passion for teaching. Many admit that it may never be a lucrative profession but the rewards and joys of teaching are innumerable and intangible. Teaching may not also be the choice of those who take education course but they are just forced to take it because there is no other choice. Teachers’ attributes are assumed to be predictors of personal and professional success. It is in this contention that the researcher wanted to explore the thoughts of the 20 incoming freshmen about ideas of good teaching and attributes of good teachers. The only instrument employed in this research was the closed-fixed interview that covered both factual and meaning-generation level. The researcher used the informal-conversational interview where there were no predetermined questions asked, in order to remain as open and adaptable as possible to the interviewee’s thoughts and priorities. All interviewees were asked the same questions. Responses were analyzed and categorized as ABC’s of teachers’ personal and professional attributes. Conclusions were drawn and future research directions were offered.
Index Terms—students’ lenses, teaching, good teaching, personal and professional attributes

Cite: Avelina M. Aquino, "From Students’ Lenses: What Constitutes Good Teaching?," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 2, pp. 101-106, June 2021. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.7.2.101-106

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