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Promoting Competency-Based Language Teaching through the Application of Multimodal Materials

Tsui-Ying Lin and Wei-Jie Tiao
Language Center, Chaoyang University of Technology, Taichung, Taiwan

Abstract—This paper proposes an improved competency-based language teaching model by integrating multimodal materials along with multimodal performance tasks aiming to develop beginner-level undergraduates' language abilities as well as life competencies in an EFL context. The preliminary self-report results indicate that students have a positive attitude toward multimodal materials, whereas they seem not to have much favor in high cognitive demand multimodal performance tasks which need their integration of applying various multimodal resources. However, the teachers' observation feedback shows students' learning motivation, communicative, critical, and creative thinking skills enhanced along with the improvement of language abilities with the engagement with the multimodal materials.
Index Terms—competency-based language teaching, EFL, multimodal materials

Cite: Tsui-Ying Lin and Wei-Jie Tiao, "Promoting Competency-Based Language Teaching through the Application of Multimodal Materials," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 86-92, June 2022. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.8.2.86-92

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