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The "Labyrinth" Archetype as Educational Sce-nario in Pre-School Age

Stefano Costantini
Department of Education Sciences and Psychology, University of Florence, Italy

Abstract—The labyrinth is a very ancient archetype, widely spread all over the world which has always signified an initiatory journey, a sort of trial. In particular, for preschoolers (5 years old), the labyrinth represents getting in touch with the dark and instinctive part of oneself while at the same time gaining a sense of trust which, thanks to the teacher’s collaboration, serves to be aware and in control of one's instinct. It represents a first experience of oneself in terms of recognition and regulation of emotions, self-efficacy and managing empowerment. During the play-motor activities carried out in this project, with the participation of 72 children attending the last year of nursery school in Florence, the Jungian archetype of the labyrinth was used as a "symbolic container" to bring out emotional experiences beginning with the use of the 5 senses, to encourage the exploration, discovery, identification and personalization of a space where it is possible to "feel good". As a symbolic path, the labyrinth views the child an active subject that explores his or her own limits and strengths through his or her own personal baggage before the transition to primary school.
Index Terms—Pre-school age, labyrinth as a symbolic path, emotions, self-efficacy, management of empowerment

Cite: Stefano Costantini, "The "Labyrinth" Archetype as Educational Sce-nario in Pre-School Age," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 53-58, March 2022. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.8.1.53-58

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