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Teacher Learning Community and EFL Teacher Professional Development

Hongmei Han and Jinghua Wang
Hebei University, Baoding, China

Abstract—This study explores the impact of teacher learning community on EFL teachers’ professional development. The participants are 17 EFL teachers from Hebei University in China. A year-long study was conducted on these teachers' group leaning activities through participatory observation and in-depth interviews. The preliminary results are as follows: 1) Generally speaking, through conversation, interaction and online peer evaluation in learning community, participant teachers have improved professionally in terms of critical thinking, academic writing, reflective thinking and research awareness; 2) In learning activities of the community, the experienced teachers focused more on the construction of knowledge regarding research methodology, through interaction with others and participation in teaching-based research activities, to reconstruct their knowledge about teaching and research; while the novice teachers placed more emphasis on the reconstruction of knowledge regarding pedagogical theories and the way these theories are applied in teaching practice, through social interaction with other teachers.
Index Terms—teacher learning community, EFL teacher, teacher development

Cite: Hongmei Han and Jinghua Wang, "Teacher Learning Community and EFL Teacher Professional Development," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 54-58, March 2021. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.7.1.54-58

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