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Implementation of Team Teaching in Construction Management Education

Peng Zhang and Yingbin Feng
Western Sydney University, Penrith, NSW, Australia

Abstract—Evidence suggests that team teaching is linked to significant tangible and intangible benefits to students, academic staff, and institutions. Partnering with industry participants is an emerging trend of team teaching in the higher education sector. Partnering with industry participants in curriculum design and unit delivery will ensure that students learn about important industry developments and help students improve their employability. It also will be helpful for academic staff to engage with the industry. Team teaching has been piloted at the School that the Authors are working at and the outcomes were very positive. In 2020, team teaching is required to be implemented in another core unit of Construction Management Undergraduate Program. By addressing the lessons learnt in implementing team teaching in the Authors’ units and being guided by previous research, a plan to implement Team Teaching in this core unit is presented in this paper. This plan will be evaluated and improved after each semester and it will be redeveloped with the industry partner every 3 years. 
Index Terms—team teaching, self-reflection, co-design, co-delivery

Cite: Peng Zhang and Yingbin Feng, "Implementation of Team Teaching in Construction Management Education," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 4, pp. 230-235, December 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.6.4.230-235

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