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Reflections on the Joint Cultivation of Undergraduate Animation Education in China and Thailand

Chaochu Xiang
Chengdu University, Chengdu, China

Abstract—In recent years, with the advancement of the “The Belt and Road”, the cooperation between China and ASEAN countries is increasingly close, and the cross-border exchange of education between China and ASEAN has been further promoted. This article will research targeted at undergraduate animation education in Thailand. By studying the current educational pattern of the animation major in Thai universities and exploring the roots of the existing issues, combining the characteristics of the animation major in the College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts, try to put forward some ideas for the construction of a collaborative cultivating curriculum system for Chinese and Thai undergraduate talents. In order to provide some useful thoughts for the future development of international educational cooperation based on the College of Chinese & ASEAN Arts.

Index Terms—China-ASEAN academy of Arts, animation undergraduate talents, international collaborative education

Cite: Chaochu Xiang, "Reflections on the Joint Cultivation of Undergraduate Animation Education in China and Thailand," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 2, pp. 129-134, June 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.6.2.129-134

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