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Lecturer Career Adaptability: A Study of Millennial and Non Millennial Generations in Jakarta and Surrounding Areas

Sylvia Diana Purba, Bella Carissa, and Efendi
Atma Jaya Chatolic University of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia

Abstract—This study aims to compare the millenial and non-millennial generations in the teaching profession in Jakarta and surrounding areas. With a sample of 227 lecturers, in which 30% are millennial and 70% are non-millennial, the results obtained indicate that there are no differences in career goals for millennial and non-millennial lecturers. By using Hayes spss and macro software, the test results confirm the significant effect of career adaptation on the influence of work management on career success for both millennial and non-millennial. This influence appears to be stronger in the millennial lecturer group.

Index Terms—millennial, work enggagement, career adaptability, career success

Cite: Sylvia Diana Purba, Bella Carissa, and Efendi, "Lecturer Career Adaptability: A Study of Millennial and Non Millennial Generations in Jakarta and Surrounding Areas," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 47-52, March 2020. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.6.1.47-52

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