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Preschool Bilingual Teachers' Research Hotspot Based on Co-word Clustering and Multi-dimensional Scale Analysis --123 Chinese Documents from 2003 to 2017

Luyi Jiang and Xiaohan Ye
East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

Abstract—Bilingual education of young children is one of the international research hotspots. As a world's most populous nation, China has done abundant research on this topic and pay more attention on the teachers. This study collected 123 valid documents in the full-text database of CNKI. Based on the overall situation analysis of the published documents in the past years, the keywords were analyzed with respect to frequency, co-occurrence, co-word clustering and multidimensional Scale. Combing with the above results, the research classifies research hotspots into four categories: (a) Research on the development of professional competence of pre-school bilingual teachers; (b) Research on teacher training for pre-school bilingual teachers; (c) Research on bilingual teachers in ethnic minority areas; (d) Research on teaching strategies of pre-school bilingual teachers.Based on the above research, this study puts forward the important tasks of current research and future research trends in order to provide some ideas for follow-up research. 
Index Terms—Pre-school bilingual teachers, research hotspots, co-word clustering, multidimensional scaling

Cite: Luyi Jiang and Xiaohan Ye, "Preschool Bilingual Teachers' Research Hotspot Based on Co-word Clustering and Multi-dimensional Scale Analysis --123 Chinese Documents from 2003 to 2017," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2, pp. 136-139, June 2019. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.5.2.136-139