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Contemplating Entrepreneurship in a Core Required Introductory Economics Course

Ranjini Thaver
Stetson University, Florida, USA

Abstract—Every business major is required to take at least one introductory economics course in college, but most students detest the subject. The aim of this paper is to find ways for students to enjoy the subject through contemplating the practical application of entrepreneurship and business planning in the curriculum. In particular, a large segment of microeconomics covers chapters on supply and demand, elasticity, production functions, costs of production, market structures, and international trade. These very same concepts are core to the development of a business plan in the spirit of entnrepreneurship. The focus of this paper then, is to present a case study of how core economic concepts were applied to entrepreneurship and business development in the introductory course at Stetson University.
Index Terms—contemplative economics, entrepreneurship, introductory economics, pedagogy

Cite: Ranjini Thaver, "Contemplating Entrepreneurship in a Core Required Introductory Economics Course," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 161-165, June 2018. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.4.2.161-165