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The Influence of Gender on the Intercultural Communication between Chinese Students and German Teachers

Lei Huang
International Graduate Center for the Study of Culture (GCSC), Giessen, Germany

Abstract—Along with the increasing number of Chinese students go abroad to study, the communication between Chinese students and foreigners become a popular topic. Many types of research considered Chinese students as a whole group and were mainly centered on their language abilities. However, little research has been paid attention to the difference between Chinese students and focused on the significance of gender in their communication with foreign teachers. Therefore, this study attempted to explore the influence of gender on communication in the academic context by studying Chinese students and German teachers as research subjects. The research methods were composed of questionnaire survey and interview. Findings showed that the communicative traits based on gender difference did influence the communicative process of Chinese students. Female students were motivated by emotion and relationship in communication with German teachers, while male students were goad-oriented. Besides, German teachers were unaffected by their gender in communication with Chinese students. 
Index Terms—gender difference, cultural difference, intercultural communication, communication concerns, Chinese students, foreign teachers, German teachers

Cite: Lei Huang, "The Influence of Gender on the Intercultural Communication between Chinese Students and German Teachers," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 207-211, June 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.3.3.207-211