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Pathways to a European PhD for Thermal Energy Storage

G. Weber 1, L. F. Cabeza 2, G. Zsembinszki 2, and J. N. W. Chiu 3
1. AIT Austrian Institute of Technology GmbH/Energy Department, Vienna, Austria
2. GREA Innovació Concurrent, Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, Spain
3. KIC-Innoenergy, Stockholm, Sweden

Abstract—Innovative Pathways to Thermal Energy Storage (INPATH- TES) is to create a network of academia, research institutes and small and medium enterprises that are cooperating in defining an innovative programme and in its deployment to implement a unique joint PhD programme on Thermal Energy Storage (TES) technologies. For the development of the PhD program the presence of a wide range of stakeholders ensures the inclusion of knowledge, experiences and needs. The PhD uses the possibility of competence & skills driven learning outcomes to educate future students. Through the carefully designed Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) and Achieved Learning Outcomes (ALOs), following the EIT pedagogical methodology, learners will receive knowledge up to the necessary specific level. The future role of teachers will change and will include the design of overarching ILOs, the assembling of knowledge material and ALOs and moderate peer discussions. Main challenges were identified through the approval of the joint PhD programme by each of the participating countries due to the structure, doctoral training and the access to a PhD programme. Nevertheless the final result of such a network will lead to a qualification of professionals in these technologies for European Research and Industrial Institutions. 
Index Terms—thermal energy storage, thermal energy storage technologies, PHD programme, international master programme, INPATH-TES, intended learning outcomes, achieved learning outcomes

Cite: G. Weber, L. F. Cabeza, G. Zsembinszki, and J. N. W. Chiu, "Pathways to a European PhD for Thermal Energy Storage," International Journal of Learning and Teaching, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 189-193, June 2017. doi: 10.18178/ijlt.3.3.189-193